Valentine's Day, also called Saint Valentine's Day or the Feast of Saint Valentine, is celebrated annually on February 14.
U r unique
U r caring and
U r the Best.And I am d luckiest to have U in my life!
Happy Valentine's Day my sweet heart!
Love puts the fun in together, the sad in apart, and the joy in a heart.
Today I already killed some helpless flowers for you.. what else do you want?!??!
Real Love Is Not Based On Romance Candle Light Dinner n Walks Along The Beach. In fact It Is Based On Respect Compromise Care n Trust
Valentine's Day is so fake. If you love someone, you'll treat him/her special every day. Not once out of 365 days.
True love is not bounded to any limitation,
It always does, what it has to do,
It is more that we felt,
It is more than we got,
It is more than ever, I love you.
Happy valentine day!
Tears come and go,
Near and dear ones meet and miss,
But, its true love only,
Which comes only once and never goes.
Happy valentine days!
Do you know why you are the perfect Valentine? That's because you've been the most amazing person throughout the year. Happy Valentine's Day!
Even without Valentine's Day, you're my valentine. I don't need a special day to celebrate your love in my life. But since today the world is celebrating anyway, I'm here to wish you a Happy Valentine's Day.
Romantic Valentine Messages for FB and WhatsApp
What do you gift a Valentine who is so cute, hot, sexy, loving, caring and gentle? Nothing but lots of hugs and kisses. Happy Valentine's Day!
U r unique
U r caring and
U r the Best.And I am d luckiest to have U in my life!
Happy Valentine's Day my sweet heart!
Love puts the fun in together, the sad in apart, and the joy in a heart.
Today I already killed some helpless flowers for you.. what else do you want?!??!
Real Love Is Not Based On Romance Candle Light Dinner n Walks Along The Beach. In fact It Is Based On Respect Compromise Care n Trust
Valentine's Day is so fake. If you love someone, you'll treat him/her special every day. Not once out of 365 days.
True love is not bounded to any limitation,
It always does, what it has to do,
It is more that we felt,
It is more than we got,
It is more than ever, I love you.
Happy valentine day!
Tears come and go,
Near and dear ones meet and miss,
But, its true love only,
Which comes only once and never goes.
Happy valentine days!
Do you know why you are the perfect Valentine? That's because you've been the most amazing person throughout the year. Happy Valentine's Day!
Even without Valentine's Day, you're my valentine. I don't need a special day to celebrate your love in my life. But since today the world is celebrating anyway, I'm here to wish you a Happy Valentine's Day.
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