Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Six Pack Tips: 55 Physical Exercise Methods Animation Images

Physical Exercise is a must for a healthy body. Everyone wants a six pack abdomen, but very few of them try to get it by regular physical exercise. Everything is possible if you make up your mind towards it. But you need a complete guidance to perform physical exercises in regular basis. So, I have provided 55 useful physical exercise methods here with clear animation images. You can perform any of these exercises to get a fit body. Regular exercise of at least 30 minutes everyday is enough for anyone to have a nice body shape. So, here are the exercise methods:
Six Pack Tips: 55 Physical Exercise Methods Animation Images
1. 3 point rollout on ball:
2. Abdominal Crunch:
3. Abdominal Strengthening:
4. Adductor stretch with crunch:
5. Air Bike Crunches:
6. Alternating Toe Touch:
7. Ankle Wiggles:
8. Ball Transfer Crunch:
9. Belly Blaster:
10. Bench Reverse Crunch:
11. Bicycle Kicks:
12. Burpees:
13. Decline Reverse Crunch:
14. Double Leg Pressouts:
15. Elbow Stabilization:
16. Elevated Prone Hip Extension:
17. Flutter Kicks:
18. Full Sit Up:
19. Full Situp with Twist:
20. Hanging Hip Raise:
21. Hip Circles:
22. Hip Thrusts:
23. Incline Hip Raise:
24. Janda Sit Up:
25. Lateral flexion on balance disc:
26. Leg Raise Pike:
27. Long Lever Crunches:
28. Lumbar Roll:
29. Lying Hip Flexion on Disc:
30. Lying Side Crunch:
31. Oblique Abductor Rise:
32. Oblique Crunch:
33. Plank Knee-ins:
34. Prone Knee Tuck on ball:
35. Prone Plank Rotation:
36. Push Up With Rotation:
37. Push up on extreme balance board:
38. Push up Superman:
39. Reverse Crunch Scissor Kicks:
40. Reverse Crunch:
41. Rollouts with Ab wheel:
42. Scissor Kicks:
43. Scorpion:
44. Single Leg Hip Extension on Disc:
45. Single Leg Leg Raise:
46. Single Leg Plank Raise:
47. Stick Crunch:
48. Straight Arm Modified Crunch:
49. Straight Leg Obliques:
50. Suitcase Crunch:
51. Super Man:
52. Supine Double Leg Raise:
53. Unilateral Leg Raise on balance disc:
54.Vertical Hip Raise:
55. V-up:
Thanks for reading this post.


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